
Sustainability is at the core of our business. Within the offshore wind industry, we aim to be a frontrunner on environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance.

We are strongly committed to developing a sustainable offshore wind industry and value chain in co-existence with the marine environment and other users of the sea.

As a young company, Vårgrønn has taken the first important steps to build our ESG approach. We established our first ESG strategy in 2022.

We work to contribute positively to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Vårgrønn is a signatory to the UN Global Compact, committing to their ten principles on human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption in all our business activities and processes.

Our reporting on ESG is included in our annual report. We report with reference to the GRI reporting standard.


Protecting the environment is core to what we do at Vårgrønn. We aim to maximise the positive impacts of our business, while minimising any negative impact.

We contribute towards the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Goal 13Goal 14Goal 11
  • Moving towards nature-positive

We work to become one of the first offshore wind players that are nature-positive in our operational projects across all markets.

  • Becoming net zero

We positively contribute to reduce global emissions through developing renewable energy for decarbonisation and support the global Paris Agreement target of limiting global heating to 1.5 degrees Celsius. We are striving to become a net zero company and reduce more emissions than we produce.

  • Increasing circularity

Vårgrønn aim to maximise circularity in our value chain by preventing and reducing waste, and optimising, reusing and recycling  materials and products

Our main environmental footprint as an offshore wind company arises from our supply chain, and we are committed to set requirements and engage with our suppliers in order to reach our environmental ambitions.


Human rights, labour rights and safety are our top priorities. We will contribute to building a green industry and new jobs that secure the health, safety and rights of people and communities. Our approach to developing offshore wind includes early dialogue with other users of the seas. We extend our social expectations to our supply chain partners.

We contribute towards the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Goal 7Goal 8Goal 9Goal 5
  • Health and safety

We strive for zero harm to all our employees and contractors and ensure the well-being of our employees.

  • Human rights

We are committed to respect and support internationally recognised Human Rights in our own operations, our supply chain and other business relationships and seek to avoid complicity in human rights violations.

  • Creating positive socio-economic external effects

We create value for a more sustainable future by developing green jobs and industry in all markets we operate in.

  • Co-existence with other industries

We engage in early dialogue and measures to facilitate coexistence with other industries and users of the sea.

  • Diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities

We are building a diverse organisation that secures equality and inclusion.


We are committed to corporate governance that embody our core value of being responsible. We have established robust processes and are building a corporate culture of ethical behaviour. We act with integrity and are accountable for our decisions and actions.

We contribute towards the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Goal 8Goal 13
  • Ethical conduct

We will promote a high ethical business culture in our organisation and towards our business partners.

  • Bribery and anti-corruption

We have zero tolerance of corruption in our organisation and throughout our supply chain.

  • Risk management

We will ensure fit for purpose risk management processes enabling identification of risks and opportunities and risk-based decision making.

  • Reporting and transparency

We will provide accurate and timely information to our stakeholders on relevant matters.

  • Data and IT security

We will minimise the risks of IT security incidents, insufficient data handling and breaches that can cause loss of integrity and critical information.


Code of conduct | PDF
Coming soon
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy | PDF
Coming soon
ESG strategy | PDF
Coming soon
Suppliers Code of Conduct | PDF
Coming soon
Human Rights Policy | PDF
Coming soon